Leagues & Tournaments
Get updates on all things leagues and tournaments, including the Gauntlet Season and Tournament.
How to Qualify
How to Qualify for the Gauntlet
2 Winners will win automatic qualifying each month.
Shoot the high score.
2 Divisitions - Crossbow & BowUnlimited
Unlimited Attempts.
High Score of the Month
15 Archers per division will earn a spot to shoot in the Gauntlet.
Submit your best scorecard for each month
Points will accumulate
League Points
4 Goups of 5 will shoot.
Each group winner will qualify for the final shoot
The top 3 archers will be awarded
Annual Champion and 2nd and 3rd place.
The Gauntlet Tournament
Anyone who fails to adhere to the rules will be disqualified from the tournament:
To qualify for the Gauntlet you must first pay for and complete a Gauntlet Qualifier.
Coupons and discounts can not be used for Gauntlet Qualifying rounds.
Submit a Scorecard each month. Use your highest score.
The ranger must sign off on your scorecard accepting that you met all criteria of each competition shot.
No range finders or shooting devices may be used for a gauntlet qualifier. Scopes with rangefinders built-in will not be accepted.
If you can make up one missed scorecard each month.